Summer may officially be over, but in Texas, that just means a milder version of the past 3 months.  I saw on Instagram last night it was snowing in Utah.  Yes I said snowing.  Which made me think about wrapping up in a warm sweater around the fireplace and drinking hot chocolate over flowing with marshmallows. But alas, in Texas, I've got about 2 months before that's a reality.

So here I sit, dream shopping for sweaters for the winter.  I'm not big on fitted sweaters, but this 360 Sweater with the red skull detailing follows this falls trend of punk, but still wearable for most.  Now give me oversized sweater any day and I'm a happy camper.  These are my 3 favorite oversized choices that I so desperately want hanging in my closet and draped over my body this fall.

But until, lets say November, this babies will have to remain a fantasy. Maybe if I turn my AC down to freezing I can wear a sweater?? Or at least a sweatshirt.  

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